Friday 9 October 2009


I love Crows. Every flavour of them! I know alot of people find them rather sinister, but I think they're great.

Rooks are probably my favourite: they seem slightly absurd with their funny old-man walk, going about their business apparently without a care in the world. Jackdaws are the cheeky chappies of the bunch: I’ve seen them ‘play’ in thermals, allowing themselves to be lifted up then swooping down, and then up they go again. What fun! Carrion Crows seem rather intelligent and watchful, Magpies, restless. And Jays: well I’m not sure what I think of Jays. I seldom see them. Perhaps they are rather secretive, living a life of crime or working undercover as spies! All my projections of course, but it’s just a bit of fun. They are definitely fascinating creatures!

Anyway, the other day I went for a walk with my lovely new friend and fellow artist, Marianda, who occupies the studio next to mine (you will find the link to her website in my 'favourite websites' list). When we were passing through a farm there was a heck of a rumpus overhead, and when we looked up we saw a grey heron throwing wild contortions in the sky and squawking all the while. I’ve never seen anything like it. Then it became apparent that it was being mobbed by a group of Carrion Crows, which were very persistent indeed. Here’s the funny little drawing I did that night about what we saw, and my take on what was going on!

I've called it:

" Intercepted by The Mob whilst on a vital mission

to deliver a fresh herring to the King. Without the herring

the King will go hungry and heads will roll. Oh Dear"

Of course there wasn't really a fish involved, or a King for that matter. Or was there...?