Tuesday 28 April 2009

Adventures in my Button Box

I wonder if everyone's granny has a button box...

Mine had a joyous treasure trove of gorgeous multi-coloured buttons, all shapes and sizes, some old and battered, others shiny and tempting like delicious sweeties. These were joined by an assortment of discarded brooches and odd trinkets, all kept in an old tin box, stowed inside the storage compartment of her fold out sofa bed. I couldn't wait when we visited to rush into her little spare room to pull the box out from its hiding place, and rummage through it's glorious contents! The thought of it still brings a light to my eyes and a smile to my face.

I might have wondered why she would keep this plethora of, on the face of it, fairly useless paraphenalia: most went unused I should imagine, save for our childhood meanderings through it. But as a child, no such question entered my head. What could be more desirable than such a collection that so fired the imagination? Sadly I have no idea what became of it.

However, as an adult I have not lost my appreciation of such delights! I too, without even thinking, began my own 'Button Box'. It accumulated quietly, away from daylight and prying eyes, until one day it found an important use and new-found meaning...

Although I am not working these days, I am in fact a qualified Art Therapist: in the course of my work I became aware of 'button sculpting', a projective method also used by Dramatherapists. Most of the clients I saw had great difficulty thinking or speaking about their experiences, and at times when they were also unable to make images I began to encourage some of them to make use of the objects in my box as a means of symbolising their thoughts, feelings, relationships and so on. Chosen objects are used to create a pattern which can lead to making a story, and personal meaning may then emerge and bring the possibility of greater insight. Individual objects can represent people, places, things, and the relationships between them may be explored.
For myself I have at times used the objects as a means of helping me to reflect on something I have experienced, or often just to play, have fun and spark off creative ideas!
Anyway, please join me on a little journey through my very own Button Box:

I too have a lovely tin box. My sister gave me this one many years ago

Remove the lid and have a peek inside

Tip them out for a closer look

Inside you will find Dug-up Delights

Rescued Remnants

Tiny Trinkets

Natural Niceties

A Man-made medley

Rubbish Recycled

Reminders of Memories
Items of Intrigue

Finds from the Footpath

And Buttons, oh Buttons, Galore!

There are many hours of pleasure to be had




And exploring

My other granny kept a big box of wooden spools under her stairs... But that's another story!

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my very first blog. I do hope you enjoyed it and visit again soon!